Thought I'd be nice with this one. I think they started missing me a bit and send me another bill, adding some ghost days onto the end of my tenancy.
To:"" Chris Gibbs
Sent: Tuesday, 19 Aug 2014
To:"" Chris Gibbs
Sent: Tuesday, 19 Aug 2014
Chris -
I hope you’re well. Good to see that you’ve updated the case history although your department still hasn’t managed to get the details right. Fourth time’s a charm perhaps? Or is it fifth? I’ve lost count.
Got another bill for a period extending beyond my legal residency at the property at Ryland street. As I’d [finally] got BCC to sort the problem out [originally reported to BCC at the beginning of January] I didn’t bother reading your reply until today. I’m not unhappy with the way BCC have dealt with the situation, its just laughable that the only way it can be resolved is by going further and further up the chain.
So for clarity - I made a mistake in reading the wrong date from my notes in my email dated 1st May, my liability extends to the 28th February and no later.
Or maybe you missed me and sent me another erroneous bill?
P.S. If you do start missing me - don’t worry; I’ve blogged about the experience so its stored for posterity and nostalgia.